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Promote with social media to bring leads back to your website

We've long advised people who heavily use Facebook and other social media tools to direct customers back to websites they own and control.

SEOMOZ posted an article which echoes this view:

Facebook is a great marketing tool but it's not the place where you should host all your content. Remember that Facebook owns all your content and you own nothing. If all your content and photos are on Facebook you can lose it all in one day if they want to. Remember that Facebook will change the appearance and functionality of your pages over time - that's part of the deal and can throw havoc on your facebook pages. 

Remember when the timeline was introduced by Facebook? We couldn't find our albums anymore and had to spend many hours fixing our Facebook page. 

Your own site is your own property promoting your name, your organization, your products and your services. You own the walls, the design and the branding. Don't give it up to someone else.

We've been recommending our customers to double post to their site and to Facebook. Luckily, it's easy and painless to do this with the LVSYS CMS platform: post an article, and then cut and paste the URL into Facebook and let Facebook discover your article and photos thanks to the Social Media OpenGraph codes we add into each article.

You can continue to collect Fans and Likes and Comments on Facebook because that improves your word of mouth and is fantastic at getting buzz. Make sure you direct all your visitors back to your site where you can convert them into leads and clients. 

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